domingo, 19 de noviembre de 2017

Activities I like doing alone, activities I don’t like doing, Activities I like doing with my family or friends.

Hi! I was thinking about the activities I usually do, and I have classified those in the follow groups:

Activities I like doing alone

I like to read, to study and to buy clothes for myself, alone. I don't like to go to buy clothes with my husband and kids, because the kids are always requesting my attention, and my husband is a little impatient.

Activities I don't like doing

I don't like too much to go to the grocery store, and it is worse when i have to accommodate the things in my cupboard. I think this is a waste of time and it is boring.

Activities I like doing with my family

I like to go to the park with my kids, they are very, very happy playing in the park. Emmanuel loves the swing and Sarah loves the slide. Another activity I like to do with my family, is going to travel, because I love to travel.

Activities I like doing with my friends

I have few friends and I rarely meet with them, but when we can be together, I like to have lunch or dinner, or maybe drink a beer with them (I did it only two times). My best friends are: Amelia my best friend in the university, Carla my friend for a prior job, and Diana my actual job friend.

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