lunes, 20 de noviembre de 2017

Self Interest Information

My self-learning  method

Hi! It's me again. Today, I will share with you, some links that I think are very interesting, funny and free.

I like to learn English, and this is the list of some apps that you can install in your smartphone  and learn English totally free. You can use the website on your computer too.

1. Duolingo
It is fabulous to learn survival English, vocabulary, grammar, and basic things to write and to speak.

2. Memrise
It is fabulous to learn vocabulary. There are many courses, some of them are:
- 504 absolutely essential words
- Ingles Estados Unidos (7 courses)
- English is fun
- Upper-intermediate English
- Learn English irregular verbs

3. Blinkist
This is only available as an app. But it is amazing. First, you can read the summary and the key ideas of bestselling nonfiction books, after, you can listen the summary. I love the topics and listen to native english.

4. BBC Learning English
There are many levels of courses, videos, audios, exercises and more. You can install some apps in your smartphone to use this site's resources.

5. Brain games and Brain training: Elevate and Lumosity
You can install these apps in English,  training your brain and learning English at the same time, it is fun and all for free.

6. TedX and Ted Education
Hundred of videos for learn interesting topics, and to learn english.

Well, I hope you enjoy this information. Now, in the other hand on my life, I like so many YouTube videos about topics like sociology, history, and philosophy. I choose the next one for yours.  I hope you can watch it:

El Orden Criminal del mundo

Finally, this is my english video, please be nice with me, it is my first YouYube video.

English Work about me and my daily routine

Thanks a lot for read me (and watch me),  see you soon 馃榾 .

domingo, 19 de noviembre de 2017

Activities I like doing alone, activities I don’t like doing, Activities I like doing with my family or friends.

Hi! I was thinking about the activities I usually do, and I have classified those in the follow groups:

Activities I like doing alone

I like to read, to study and to buy clothes for myself, alone. I don't like to go to buy clothes with my husband and kids, because the kids are always requesting my attention, and my husband is a little impatient.

Activities I don't like doing

I don't like too much to go to the grocery store, and it is worse when i have to accommodate the things in my cupboard. I think this is a waste of time and it is boring.

Activities I like doing with my family

I like to go to the park with my kids, they are very, very happy playing in the park. Emmanuel loves the swing and Sarah loves the slide. Another activity I like to do with my family, is going to travel, because I love to travel.

Activities I like doing with my friends

I have few friends and I rarely meet with them, but when we can be together, I like to have lunch or dinner, or maybe drink a beer with them (I did it only two times). My best friends are: Amelia my best friend in the university, Carla my friend for a prior job, and Diana my actual job friend.

domingo, 12 de noviembre de 2017

Sandra´s daily routine

In this, my second post, I will tell you about my daily routine.  I live with my husband and my two kids, Emmanuel 8 years old, and  Sarah 1 year old.

On weekdays, I get up at 6:00 am, and then I prepare the breakfast and the lunch for my family. At 7:00 I take breakfast with my family. I go by bus to work. I start to work at 9:00 am until 7:00 pm. At 1:00 pm I take lunch. At night, I go to my house and take dinner at 8:00 pm. I accompany my son to sleep at 8:30 pm, and then we bath Sarah. At 9:00 pm the kids are sleeping, and I prepare some things for the next day. I study at 9:30 pm, and I go to bed at 11:00. Some times, when I have many work to do, I go to bed at 12:00 pm.

On Saturday, my husband takes Emmanuel to him arts class, and I stay with Sarah. Often, when she is sleeping, I can study one or two hours. We pick up Emmanuel at 1:00 pm and usually we go to have lunch in the mall. On Sundays we go to the park or to visit family.

Well, that is all. Happy day!

s谩bado, 11 de noviembre de 2017

What is my house like?

Hello everybody!

Today, I will talk you about my house. You can see it above in the collage.
I love my house, it is roomy and confortable.  It has two bedrooms, two bathrooms and two floors.
In the first floor we have the kitchen, dinning room, the living room and the social bathroom. In the second floor, we have my room, the Emmanuel's room, the study and the second bathroom.

The kitchen is little, but it is near to the dinning room and it is easy to use them. My favorite place on my house is  the living room, because I love to watch movies.

Ok, thats all!  I hope you like my post.